A Fun day in Orana Park
Yesterday we went to Orana park for the whole day. When we got there we had our morning tea for about 20 minutes then we got to go see the animals. We Seen loads of wild animals like lions, Andy the giraffe, orangutans and loads more. Our instructor was Elisabeth she showed us all of the animals and for each animal, she told us a few facts about them. I learned that lions can drink water for a day and they can go without it for 5 days! I also learned that that springbok is related to dears. I also learned that ostrich can not walk backward. Here are some pictures:
Here are some giraffes sunbathing in the sun. A giraffes neck is to short to touch the ground. |
This is a kea. We got to see it up close. The reason why it eats from that is because
Here are some orangutans having a nice day in the sun.