My letter to Mr Wilkinson
This week in literacy we have been doing things about how to make a proper letter and also trying to persuade people. Here is my letter:
Gilberthorpe School
163 Gilberthorpes Road
Hei Hei
Christchurch 8042
25 June 2019
Dear Mr Wilkinson
Talofa Lava Mr Wilkinson, Have you ever just got bored in the playground and just wished there was more? Yes! Of course! So I have been wondering and I thought that the playgrounds should be expanded. So I Have always thought that if there were more equipment in the playgrounds It might be a little bit more fun! Maybe there should be Merry go round and Swings.
So I hope that it will happen next term! :)
My next step is to try and do another letter but to another person or more.